
Current Features

(note that this is not a comprehensive list)

  • Quickly assemble existing map tiles into a large map layout.
  • Media Types: Tiles, Tile Overlays, Items, Textures, Walls, Masks
  • Convenience of the MapForge Add-On format: The software organizes the content into logical categories and groups together any variants. This makes browsing the content to find what you need very fast and efficient. It also knows how large each asset should be (in grid squares), and lets you know if a given map you’ve created can be used in commercial/published projects.
  • Allows creating top-down maps, hex-tile area maps, and isometric maps.
  • Support for “layers” (to adjust the z stacking order of assets on a map).
  • Apply bitmap filters to create special effects such as Bevel, Glow, Drop Shadow, Stroke, Color Adjustment, Brightness/Contrast, etc.
  • Randomization features for stamped assets, including for textures (to avoid repeating patterns).
  • Adjust the location, scale, rotation, and opacity of any placed item.
  • Drawing tools allow you to draw map elements such as floors and walls using textures.
  • Toggle between day & night versions with the click of a button (when using Add-Ons that support this feature).
  • Output an inventory of the Tiles used to create a map layout (potentially useful for planning layouts of pre-printed tilesets you own, or of Dwarven Forge 3D terrain tiles)
  • Ability to mark media that should only appear on the GM version of a map (e.g. room key numbers, traps, secret doors, etc.).
  • Export the entire map at once, or just the part you want.
  • Can export maps to UVTT (Universal Virtual Tabletop) formats, with support for “.uvtt”, “dd2vtt”, and “df2vtt” extensions.
  • Keyword-based Search feature lets you quickly find the assets you’re looking for.

Planned Features (coming soon)

  • An Add-On Manager to help load only the content Add-Ons that are relevant to the current map you’re working on.