DWW Indoor Map Tiles


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DWW Indoor Map Tiles (133.4 MB)

This free Add-On contains 93 unique indoor map tiles (8×8 grid squares each) for creating cave and dungeon layouts.

All the tiles in this Add-On were created by Marc Gilbert (aka Cyberdrake). His website, Dream Weaved Worlds, offers other RPG and wargaming-related content, which you might want to check out. Marc has very graciously made his map tiles available for use in MapForge, free of charge.

Installation instructions and other important information are in the PDF file which is included in the download.

Artwork Resolution (pixels per grid square): 72 (best for use in virtual tabletop software, since resolution is too low for acceptable print quality)

Note: This product is only usable in the MapForge software. It is not a collection of stand-alone graphics, but rather a single, copy-protected file whose content is only accessible to the MapForge software.

CompareSold By: Battlegrounds Games


Tiles: 93
Tile Overlays: 0
Items: 0
Textures: 0
Total Number of Assets: 93

Tile Categories: 10
Dungeon: Hallways (8)
Dungeon: Rooms (7)
Dungeon: Large Rooms (7)
Catacombs (4)
Transition Tiles (4)
Cave: Tunnels (18)
Cave: Chambers (18)
Cave: Large Chambers (12)
Cave: Chamber Corners (9)
Cave: Wide Sections (6)


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