Mech Hex Tiles


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Mech Hex Tiles (67 MB)

This Add-On lets MapForge users quickly make sci-fi themed maps out of hex-shaped tiles, particularly for battle-mech-themed games such as BattleTech and Warmachine. Most of the tiles have a white text label marking the terrain type; these are intended for use in such wargames.

Nearly all of the tiles in this Add-On were created by Max Whitar (aka Maks Bobryk). Max has very graciously made his hex tiles available for use in MapForge, free of charge.

This Add-On is primarily intended for sci-fi genre maps, but many of the assets it contains could also be used for modern-day maps.

Artwork Resolution (pixels per grid square): Varies, but primarily 198 and 388

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Note: This product is only usable in the MapForge software (v1.1.9 or later, with the latest patch). It is not a collection of stand-alone graphics, but rather a single, copy-protected file which requires a registration code for the content to be accessible to the MapForge software.

CompareSold By: Battlegrounds Games


Tiles: 65
Tile Overlays: 0
Items: 0
Textures: 0
Total Number of Assets: 65

Tile Categories: 9
Open Ground (2)
Woods (9)
Lake (5)
River (13)
Building (19)
Rough (8)
Rubble (4)
Minefield (3)
Smoke & Fire (2)


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